We are Yew Class and we are the oldest children in the school. We're excited to be taking on new challenges and responsibilities around the school.
Our teacher is Mr Bond. We also lucky enough to have Mrs Andrews, Mrs Mitchell, Mr Adams to help us learn.
Our PE day is Monday - so we come to school in our PE kit on that day.
SATs Week - 13th - 16th May
Transition days - 2nd and 3rd July
Year 6 performance - 10th and 11th July
Residential - 15th - 17th July
Leavers Service - 24th July
Each week we have spellings to practise on Spelling Shed we have our spelling test on a Monday.
We read every day - aiming for 20 minutes as a minimum.
Other homework tasks will be set weekly.
Each week you will be set
English - either punctuation or grammar practise in our homework books in for a Thursday.
Reading - there will be a reading activities set each week due on Wednesday but will be given time to complete them in class.
Maths - activities that consolidate what will be done in class lessons in our homework books in for a Thursday.
Homework Books -
To support the maths homework, My Maths will be available. NO activities will be set on this but you can log in and access the lessons and further practise of any work that is set.
We also expect that times tables knowledge is secure by Year 6. TTRockstars is an excellent way to practise and keep your tables in tip-top shape!