
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Thursday 7th January



Please complete the end of block assessment (below) for our length and perimeter unit. It would be great if you could complete this without any help from anyone at home, but please don't worry if you are struggling with anything! We'd love to know how you did with it and if someone at home is happy to chat through any questions you weren't sure about, that would be great. 

Please look at the PowerPoint on subordinate clauses and then complete the accompanying sheet. We have given you a list of subordinating conjunctions to help you, so you will need to choose one of these and then add your own subordinate clause to finish the sentence. The first one has been done for you to help.



In RE this term, we are learning about Judaism.



As we would normally do in class, before we start a new unit, we would like you to take ten minutes to write down what you already know about the Jewish religion. Remember this is a cold task so if you don't know anything yet that is fine, just record that before you start today's activity.


Today, we would like you to use the BBC lesson below to learn some basic facts about Judaism.

Please click here to access the lesson and then complete the quiz at the end. 


Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at Passover, Shabbat and Kosher food in greater detail. 
