Homework due in on Wednesday 5th October
Spellings - Please use Spelling Shed. Aim to complete about 5 minutes a day or a block of equivalent time. More 'challenge words' this week.
SPAG - Please read and complete pages 2 and 3 of your Grammar book. Mark your own work when finished and bring back into school to hand in. If you found it difficult, please fold the corner down, and we will do some extra work with you.
These pages are about nouns and making plurals. There is a help sheet below if you need a reminder about the spelling rules to follow.
Reading Homework - please open the link below for your Chapter Three homework
Maths Homework
Please do pages 8 and 9 in your Arithmetic book. These are about times and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Remember to move the digits and use a place value chart to help you.