
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Homework set Wednesday 15th March 2023

Spellings Homework -

Please check Spelling Shed for the new words and practise them!


English Homework:

Grammar Book pg 40 and 41 - tenses

We've thought a lot about tenses in English so far this week.  This is something that you need to use correctly in your writing.  Read the questions carefully  before you write your answers.


Reading Homework

The homework this week is retrieval questions based on pages 144 - 147 of Wonder.  You will need to read those pages if you haven't done so already.


Maths Homework:

Geometry Measures and Statistics Book pg 24 and 25 

TIME!  This is revision homework.  If you need to practise telling the time on an analogue clock (one with hands!) then please do so at home.  Remember you can't so a column addition or subtraction calculation when you're working with time.
