
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 31st January


We are going to be spending the next couple of days writing our own independent texts, building on what we have already heard in The Nowhere Emporium.

Remember, you are going to be writing about Spud Harder and his visit into the shop.

Try not to rush your writing (as we are going to spend 2 days on it), focus on the lenses and sentence types we have looked at over the last few weeks.

For today, can you please have a go at writing 3 plot points:

  • The shop from nowhere (Simile lens)
  • In the shop with the little man (Smelling lens)
  • Find the 'Book of Wonder' (Personification lens)

If you are able to, think back to your planning from last week and decide which emotion you want to convey in each plot point. Try not to go any further than this, as we will be carrying on with the rest of the story tomorrow!


For our next maths unit, we will be learning about fractions. Today, we are going to focus on understanding what a fraction is. Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions attached below. smiley
