
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Autumn Term

Christmas Party. YAY!!!

Who is your hero? We enjoyed anwering questions about our hero.


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We have been so busy rehearsing our Christmas nativity.

We enjoyed some Indian dancing with Maple Class


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The Untied Artists theatre company visited today with their production of The Lion in the Library. The children loved it!

We have learnt about two famous nurses called Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

We had a visit today from Wonky and Sanders, two donkeys from the Sidmouth Donkey Santuary

We went on an Autumn welly walk looking at deciduous and evergreen tress. Can you remember which is which?


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Year 2s had fun at The Castle School's multiskills festival.

Trust games improve our communication and listening skills.

We have been designing posters to remind people to wash their hands.

We have been working on a D and T project today. We have been sampling porridge and various toppings to create a new type of porridge and the box to fit it into.

More teamwork today in our PE lesson.

Great teamwork today building towers.

Elm Class timetable 2018/19

Elm Class Autumn Topic Overview
