
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Wednesday 27th January


Today we are going to be making equal groups. 


How can you represent equal groups using objects you have at home?


Can you use this sentence when describing your objects?


I have ____ equal groups, with _____ in each group....

Make equal groups

Make equal groups" by White Rose Maths.

Maths Challenges 

If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great challenges below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book smiley


Please practise this week's spellings by logging on to Spelling Shed. If you have any issues logging in please email me.  smiley


Today I would like you to describe what you can see in the picture below. I am looking for descriptive language and full sentences. 


Revise: Recap on yesterday's contractions. don't, haven't, hasn't hadn't

Show the contraction for children to say the root words. 



Explain that have is often used in contractions Show I have.  Children have a go at writing the contracted form. Stress that both the h and the a are replaced by the apostrophe in the contraction. 



we have, you have, they have, could have, would have, should have

The children will write the words with their contracted forms. 





Below, you will find our topic work for the week. 


For those children than are still coming into school, please can I ask that you use the days of the week to guide your learning, as you will also be doing these tasks in school on the days that you are in.   


For those learning at home full-time, you can choose which day you would like to do each activity smiley


*If you are having trouble with any of the links, you may have to copy and paste them into your internet browser yes
