
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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We made a trip to the postbox to send home our postcards we had written in class.

World Book Day. We have enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters today and sharing different story books.

Spring 2 2020 Topic - I Wonder Why.....?

This project is has a Science and Geography focus. The class will be learning about Animal groups, their needs and their life cycles. They will also be exploring the hot and cold environments in the world and the habitats of different animals and human and physical features of where we live.


Spring 1 2020 Topic - How is it made?


How Is It Made? Knowledge Organiser

We had a great time learning about the life of Joseph at our Worship Thorugh Play event.

Our Visit to the ss Great Britain

Spring Spelling Shed NEWS!

Please note:

Our spellings can now be found on the EdShed website.

A paper copy of our weekly spellings will still be sent home for your children to use.

You can find the details of this new resource in an email sent by the school office.

The children will have a log in and password at the back of their reading log. 

Please do ask us any questions if you experience difficulties!  

Spring Spelling Shed Lists for Year 1 Elm

Spring Spelling Shed Lists for Year 2 Elm
