
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Thursday 24th March


We are going to start planning our own warning story today! We've split the story of Icarus and Daedalus into 5 plot points. 


1. Everything is normal at the start - set up the characters and the situation that they are in (Icarus and Daedalus).

2. The plan is made (Daedalus made the wings).

3. The warning is given (don't fly too close to the sun).

4. The warning is ignored (Icarus flies too close to the sun). 

5. The consequence of ignoring the warning/the ending (the wax melts and Icarus dies).


We are going to use these plot points to plan our own stories. There are a few things to remember before you start planning:

  • You story can be in an Ancient Greek setting or a normal setting. 
  • You need two characters (no more than two)
  • The two characters need to contrast (brave/scared or sensible/fool hardy)


Use the story map template below to draw pictures to show your 5 plot points and indicate on the graph line which plot points are going to be positive and negative parts of the story. 


Today, we are going to some problem solving using fractions! Click here to watch the video lesson and then have a go at the questions below. smiley
