Daily Zoom
Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We will have a look at our maths work from today and will then discuss some of your favourite characters from stories as part of World Book Week.
We will use the same password and meeting ID as usual.
As we get used to our new spellings and concentrate on those unstressed vowel sounds, it is important to know the definition and meaning of the words we are trying to learn. Can you use the sheet below to define the 10 words we are learning this week. This could be through either a picture or a phrase.
(20 minutes)
Today we will continue to explore reading choices and why we read for pleasure. In this lesson, we will revise the meaning of empathy and genre. We will share recommended reads and character traits in order to describe a favourite character.
Click here to watch the lesson and join in with the tasks. The activity at the end (to describe a character) links really well with our writing task today.
If you would like an extra reading challenge, World Book Day have designed a Reading Scavenger Hunt. You can grab a selection of your favourite books and then click on the document below to see which items you can find in your books.
(25-45 minutes)
Following on from the work we did in Reading today, I would like you to think about your favourite character from a fictional story.
I would like you to write a profile or biography about your favourite character, giving me lots of information. This could include:
You might choose to include other pieces of information, but I would like it to be no more than an A4 piece of work. I would love for these to be presented beautifully and sent/emailed/brought into school next week to go up in our reading corner to tell other children about your favourite characters and to encourage us all to read some different books or genres.
If you are looking for something a bit different to have a go at this week, the people organising World Book Day have set a competition. They have asked for children to design the book tokens that will be used next year and they are giving out book tokens as a prize!
Click on the link here to find out more information about how to enter.
(45 - 60 minutes)
Some maths challenges for the next couple of days for you to have a look at. We will have a look at one of these each day on our zoom sessions and we will pop the answers up on the website on Wednesday.
Your task is to have a go at 3 challenges a day, most of them are fairly open challenges and require you to work logically through the problem. These might take a fair bit of perseverance, maybe a little trial and error. You might be lucky enough to come on to one solution straight away, which is great. Some ask you to find more than one possible solution.
If you are stuck, remember the first question to ask yourself is what is the same, what is different? What do I know and what information to I need to know next?
There are 8 challenges here so you have to choose 6 of these across the two days, if you manage more then that is fantastic. On the opposite side of that, if you have persevered with one problem for 50 minutes then you won't get three done today and that is fine.
(50 minutes)
We are continuing with our academy electricity work this week. I apologise as Miss Simkin has different electrical components to use and you have none at home. However next week, we will all have all of the things she has (not quite as bright blue in colour, you will see, but all the components to play with) and the purpose of today's lesson is to make us aware of what makes a circuit and how we know if it is or isn't going to be successful.
Once we know this, next week we can make our own electrical circuits and test all the components - after today you will be familiar with.
Have a watch of the video, here, pausing the video to do the activities and check your learning by having a go at the quiz set before and after the video.
(45 minutes)