
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Wednesday 17th June


Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer Term - week 8' for this week's work. Today, we are looking at lesson 3, which is about converting metric measures. 

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Activity 3: Underlying pattern of events

Let's go back to the model text. If you were in school on Monday and Tuesday, you might like to have a quick read through this in Monday's work. Below is the basic structure, which will help guide your writing. Remember this is just a guide and if you are confident, you could add in extra paragraphs, different sections, diagrams etc. 


Look through the WAGOLL from Monday and see if you can find examples of how the writer has included each part of the structure below: 


  • Punchy/catchy title
  • Opening hook - to make the reader feel they must have this tem 
  • List of main features in persuasive manner 
  • Extra features or bonuses 
  • Key reason for purchasing gadget 
  • Supporting quotation from a well-known person 
  • Free offers plus necessary information (website, phone number, price) 


Please visit the BBC Bitesize website for today's science lesson, which is about the circulatory system. There are five videos to watch to build your knowledge, then two activities to complete. 
