English Homework
Please continue to practise your spellings on Spelling Shed or a piece of paper. Remember there are house points available if you get them all right!
Reading Homework
The homework this week is based on the pages that we have been focussing on the last couple of weeks - pg 45-48.
If you need to re-read the text, read it with someone or have it read to you, then please do this to remind yourself of what happens.
These questions are to help you practice your inference skills.
If you want to read on in the book, please feel free to do so!
Grammar Homework
Your homework is in the Grammar Book pg 16 and 17.
These pages are a mixed practice of the work you have done the last few weeks. I have included a knowledge organiser of the word classes to help if you need a quick reminder!
Maths Homework:
It has come to light that lots of our class are not very confident when estimating different weights of objects. For example, when asked if the weight of a banana is closest to 1g, 10g, 100g or 1kg, lots were unsure. To help with this, homework this week is to find different objects around the home, estimate, and then weigh how heavy they are. If you do not own scales, then use complete packets, tins, jars etc from the food cupboard to estimate and then check.
Cooking and baking are also great ways to become more confident at measures and weights. So with this in mind, I have also included an optional homework to bake my favourite banana cake (recipe included) or something else that you would enjoy. We would love to see any photos of your finished product!