
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 26th June


Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer term - week 9' to find this week's Friday Maths Challenge. Good luck! 

Quick SPaG


Re-reading is such an important part of writing that we sometimes miss out. Here are some questions that are useful to ask as you are editing: 

Does it fulfil its purpose and make sense? 
Should some of the sentences be rewritten or tightened? 

Are there secretarial errors - spellings, punctuation and grammar? 

Should the vocabulary be improved or thinned out? 


Before having a go at editing your own work, why not practise using the paragraph below? You could print it and use a different colour to make the changes, or you could re-write it in your book with errors corrected and writing improved. 


Today we are finishing our task we started on Monday. You should have a balanced plate designed and your ingredients ready. So today either for lunch or tea you can make your balanced plate of food for everyone in your house. Send us in a picture of your creations. 

