
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week Beginning 2nd November

Wednesday 4th November



Maths today we are moving away from our number operations and on to thinking about the order we complete our calculations in. We have come across BIDMAS before, how some operations are 'more important' than others so need to be done first. 


B - brackets

I - indices (square, cube, square roots)

D - division

M - multiplication

A - addition

S - subtraction


Now really multiplication and division are equally important and addition and subtraction are equally important, BIMDSA isn't as easy to say. 


So in the problem, 12 + 4 x 6 = the multiplication would be done first, (4 x 6 = 24) 

leaving us with 12 + 24 so the answer would be 36. The link below will take you to a video that will explain it in a different way.


Have a go at the worksheet attached below.



Yesterday we started looking at biographies and in the Roald Dahl biography we looked at we found interesting phrases, language and some interesting sentence starters. Attached below is a biography of Anne Brown, she was the wife of Howard Brown, we are going to write his biography next week. 


Anne and Howard were both very brave and interesting people, and we are going to take a look into their lives. 


With Anne Brown's biography below could you please break it up into the sections we looked at yesterday. Underline any interesting language and sentence starters in a coloured pencil. We will plan the biography of Howard Brown towards the end of this week. 

PSHE - OK to be different


Our new topic in PSHE is valuing differences.


There are 6 statements below do you AGREE, DISAGREE or NEITHER to the statements? 


  1. It is best to keep it a secret if you are bullied.
  2. If you see someone in trouble you should try to stop the bullies.
  3. It is okay to call someone a name if you are just joking.
  4. It is better to tell a friend about bullying rather than the teacher.
  5. If you ignore bullies, then they will go away.
  6. Anyone can be a bully.


We are going to have a think about what it is like to be a bystander to someone who is being bullied and what could we do? Below are a few actions you could take is you saw someone getting bullied. Do you think these actions would be helpful, harmful or not sure. 


  • Do nothing.
  • Avoid joining in or laughing.
  • Walk away.
  • Tell the bully/bullies to stop.  
  • Get an adult.  
  • Use a phone to get help.
  • Encourage peers (friends or other children who are nearby) to stand up for the person being bullied, too.


Thursday 5th November




We are going to practice using the principles of BIDMAS (which sometimes gets called BODMAS as orders and indices are different names for the same symbols). The sheet below has 4 sections. Sections A, B and C are practicing using the rule and section D contains a challenge for you to have a go at. 


One of the things we found tricky yesterday in class were using square and cube numbers.

2² = 2 x 2 = 4. 

2³ = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. 


There are some tricky questions particularly in section B and C, so think carefully and as always if you are having any troubles email in to school. 



Yesterday you looked at Anne Brown's biography and today we are going to be looking at and planning towards writing Howard Brown's biography. Howard was Anne's husband so from her biography we know some information about him, you can also watch the video here to learn some more. 


In your exercise book, can you make a time line of Howard's life putting on it all the things we know about him. Some important facts for your timeline:

Born 1892 – 9th July – Canterbury

Lived on a farm in Kent just outside Canterbury

Died at 89 - four years after Anne - 1981



On Tuesday we talked about buoyancy and how the mass (how heavy something is) and density (how much 'stuff' is a certain amount of space) affects if an item is buoyant. 


We used a 20cm x 20cm piece of tin foil and as a group we found out that the bigger (more spread out/less dense) the tin foil was the more likely it was to float, where as the smaller (more dense) the piece of foil the more likely it would sink (if there was no air caught in the middle). 


We are going to take this further today, and we hope you can join in at home. We are going to be seeing if the shape or the weight of different items makes them more or less likely yo be buoyant (float). Using the table below which you can draw your own in your books, test different items in your house to see if they float or sink. Make sure you ask permission first, and the things you choose can get wet. Most importantly once you've tested as many items as you want (cans, bottle, fruit are all good examples) is there any one thing that links the things that float and the things that sink? Explain what you think the connection is. 


Item chosen Mass (in grams) Sink or Float?


Friday 6th November




We are starting our fractions topic today, first recapping some areas we have done before and then towards the end of next week, we will be looking at some new parts of fractions. 


Today we are looking at finding equivalent and simplifying fractions, you will have done this before so hopefully this is easy to remember and simple tasks to do. 


Equivalent means the same as so you can find fractions that are worth the same amount as each other but have different denominators (bottom number) and numerators (top number). 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent. 


Simplifying is when a fractions has the lowest denominator it can but still be worth the same amount. For example if you had the fraction 3/24 and divided the top and bottom both by 3 you would get a simplified fraction of 1/8. Though it is worth the same it is in the simplest form. 


Below are 2 work sheets, I expect you can have a go at both, have a go at question 4 on the simplifying fractions sheet, but it isn't something we do very often so it might seem a little confusing. 



Below is the plan for Howard Brown's biography, which we are going to write next week. We have put some information in that we have found out from the video and from Anne Brown's biography it is your job to fill in the rest with as much information as you can and with as many facts and dates as you can. There is also space for you to add your own details to make Howard's story interesting but believable. 


There is space at the bottom for you to add interesting vocabulary and sentence starters we have found across this week. 




We are starting our topic looking at Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the journeys his inventions and designs allowed people to take. The first is the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. If you have been to Bristol you have probably seen this huge structure on the way in, this was completed in 1864 and has hardly changed since that day. Brunel wasn't alive when it was finished, passing away 5 years previously. 


Below is a link which will take you to the bridge website, with a short video on the construction of the bridge and its importance found at the bottom of the page. Have a look at the video, it goes into why the bridge took so long to be built, how it was made and the huge party they had at its completion.


Below is a series of photographs taken of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. An art challenge to end our week in school, using our work last half term on landscapes, can you sketch out a picture of the bridge, either in your exercise book or some plain paper if you have some at home. Using some of the skills we practiced to add depth to your picture. 

