
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Spring Term 2020


First half: 

Our topic will be "Looking After Our World'. We will be learning about the rainforests of the world and why they are so important. In science, we will learn how living things can be grouped and classified in different ways, and how to use a classification key. Our impact on our world will be explored, through the text "The Tin Forest" and by looking at what happens to our rubbish. We will be creative in our approach, using sculpture, drawing and painting to help us in our learning.

Second half:

Continuing our environmental theme, we will look at ways we can care for our planet. In English, our focus is discussion texts and using the true story of Isatou Cessnay in "One Plastic Bag' we will discuss 'Plastic: good or bad?'. In science we will investigate the strength and properties of different bags. Also, we will find out about animal food chains and the impact changes in the environment can have on these. In art, we will use the inspiration of West African textile designs to plan and print using our own printing blocks. 

In maths, our focus is fractions and decimals. Please see the sheets sent home to see what skills and knowledge we will be learning, and how you can support our learning.

Living Things and their Habitats- Knowledge Organiser- Spring 1 2020

Multiplication & Division Maths Knowledge Organiser

Fractions & decimals knowledge organiser

On 'Internet Safety Day' we made pledges to keep our personal information safe online.
