
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Homework and Knowledge Webs




Your child will  continue to bring home a new individual reading book every Monday.  We will collect these in each Friday and allow them to choose another for the weekend. Your child will continue to read in school, individually as well as in a guided group. 


If you have any questions about reading please contact me via email. 




Every Monday your child will learn a new spelling rule and have a list of 10 words to learn. They will bring home a homework sheet  to learn their spellings (this homework does not need to come back into school). 

Throughout the week, your child will learn their spellings using different activities.

The following Monday, your child will have a 'spelling check' to see how many words they can remember from their list. 


Please don't forget to also use the Spelling Shed web game to learn your spellings smiley


We use Times Tables Rock Stars for our times tables practice.

Hit the Button is also a great free game for practicing number bonds and times tables. 
