
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Below is a link to the ebook 'The Book of Hopes.'


This week I would like you to have the opportunity to read and enjoy some of the poems and stories in this book with your family.


You might like to have a go at one of the activities below too:


1. Write a book review of this book.  


2. Draw your own illustration to go with your favourite poem or story.


3. Write a paragraph about your hopes for the next few months.


4. Write your own poem about hope.  This could be any style, for example, a haiku, an acrostic or inspired by one of the poems in the book.


5. You might want to write your own short story based around the idea of hope.


Some brilliant work inspired by this book:

Below is a link to one of my favourite essays in the book 'Be More Cat,' by Kiran  Millwood Hargrave.  We have had a go at turning it into a recorded picture book, using PowerPoint.  This might be something you would like to try.
