
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 12th February

Daily Zoom


Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We are going to be enjoying another quiz and saying hello to our friends before we stop for half term. If you can join us for Zoom please do. 


We will use the same password and meeting ID as usual.



Please login in to Spelling Shed and have a go at our spellings for this week.

Once you have had a practice, can you then have a go at correcting my spellings below.













(20 minutes)



Today we will finish reading through Anthony Horowitz's short story, A Career in Computer Games. Please can you watch the video here and then answer any questions in your workbooks. 


(30 minutes)



Between Tuesday and Friday you will have the following task.

We would like you to write a completely independent NC Report, looking at whichever topic interests you the most. You might choose an animal, such as gorillas or hammerhead sharks, a mythical creature such as a unicorn or cyclops, or another area in which you are interested, such as rainforests or Saturn! Remember, it is very difficult to write a NC Report about a person because you will likely have to write this about a larger period of time, so this would become a biography rather than a non-chronological report. 

Once you have decided the focus of your report, you have the following tasks to complete:

  1. You will need to research your topic in a great amount of detail. You might want to think about the sections you will be including within your report, as this might help to structure your research. Remember to set out your page logically, whether this is with sections, rows or as a mind map. This is arguably one of the most important tasks, as without the right amount of detailed information you will struggle to sound like an expert and make your report interesting. (Approximately 45-70 minutes)
  2. Once you have completed your research, you will need to plan out your report. You might want to you the report format that we used last Thursday (click here) or you might choose to set it out differently. It is really important that you include all of the information that you will need here, as well as setting out the AP features, formal conjunctions and topic vocabulary that you wish to include. (Approximately 45-60 minutes)
  3. Then your next challenge is to write your report! Take your time over this and make sure you keep referring back to your previous reports and any feedback given by us. Be as ambitious as you can with your language as this is what will make the difference in a NC Report. Try to include everything you wrote down on your plan and keep reading it through to make sure it makes sense. (Approximately 75-90 minutes)
  4. Once you have completed your writing, the last things to do are to edit, up-level and then produce a best copy. Your editing is so important, as it is where you will notice and correct any errors and improve the general flow and style of your writing. When you are happy with your report, either type or handwrite your NC Report, possibly adding a photo or an illustration. We would love to see your finished piece, so please send it in to the class email! (Approximately 50-75 minutes)

Good luck and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any guidance or advice. We know how hard you have been working in English and are really excited about seeing everything you have learnt over the last couple of weeks.


(60+ minutes)



Your maths today is a mymaths challenge again, so we can see how you have got on this week with your algebra. 

There are three homeworks set on my maths and they go up in difficulty.

  • Sequences
  • Equations 1 
  • Equations 2

We hope that you can all have a go at the first 2. Sequences which is the easiest, then equations 1, with our target being 80% correct. If you are feeling confident in what we have covered this week then have a go at equations 2, a challenge on all the things we have learnt this week. 


(45 minutes)



We have spent this half term learning about the beliefs and faith of Hindus. Hopefully it has been interesting and you have learnt lots of new things.

Today we are completing our Hot Task.

Please could you tell me as much as you can remember about Hinduism, focusing on Diwali, their gods and how they worship. It is up to you how you present this information - you might want to produce a leaflet (or pamphlet), writing about Hinduism. You could even use some of the things we have learnt in English about NC Reports! Feel free to add in any pictures, drawings or photos if it helps. 


(30-45 minutes)

If you have worked quickly today and you have zipped through our work and it is all of a good quality, then you can have a look at the In case you finish... section. This is full of ideas that you can do if your grown ups are busy still working or with them when they have finished. 