
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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 Welcome to Oak Class. 


We are Year 3 and we are all very excited entering our first year in Key Stage 2.

Our teachers are Mrs Atkins, Mrs Cerullo and Mr. Hawkins.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Spiller and Mrs Cockings.

Oak Class Homework - Spring and Summer - Fractions

This term, all spelling groups will have the same list.  Everyone is expected to learn the Bronze words.  Purple Group are expected to learn Bronze and Silver and Blue Group are expected to learn all of them.  Some children will know most of the words from the Bronze lists already and so will need to focus on the Silver and Gold words.  Green group will be tested on the Bronze words each week.  Purple group will be tested on Bronze and Silver (and gold if anyone has chosen to challenge themselves.)  Blue group will be tested on ALL the words.  In this way, we will continue to revise and secure the key word spellings as well as moving on to cover further spelling rules and patterns. 

As ever, thank you for your support of your child's learning of spellings.

Oak Class Spellings

Oak Class Spellings Wednesday 22nd June 2016

Oak class had a fantastic day at The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth.  They learned lots about donkeys, enjoyed grooming them and picking up poo in the stables.  We were lucky enough to go in the donkey hospital and saw where the donkeys have operations.  One thing we learnt was that donkeys make friends for life and if they go for any treatment in the hospital, their best friend donkey also has to go with them.  The staff at the sanctuary commented on the excellent behaviour of the children and said what good questions they asked.  They were a pleasure to be with.  Thank you to our fantastic parent helpers - we couldn't have done it without you.

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that Zena, one of the donkeys at the sanctuary, has been adopted by Oak Class. She is based at the Sidmouth sanctuary where she enjoys playing with her friends Ashley and Mr Khan. Do go and visit her! If you would like to follow Zena's progress online then please go to:








Oak Class celebrate the Hindu festival of Holi

Oak Class Science Project Homework

A massive well done to all the children in Oak class and their families for all their hard work on their fossils project homework.  The work they produced was fantastic and showed how much time and effort had been put in to them.  

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who visited our 'museum' showing all the projects.  The children were very keen to talk about what they had found out.  

Very well done Oak Class!

High Frequency Words. Please look at these with your child. Learning a few regularly is the most effective method. They can also be made into cards to play lucky dip or snap.

The Importance of Communication for your child and their learning

Oak class make their own museum during their visit from Alice earlier in the term

Multiskills Festival
