For our maths lesson today, we would like you to have a go at the problem solving question below. You will want to use some paper like your 'Think Book' to try different digits to solve the problem. Good luck!
If you manage to complete the problem solving question, you can log into MyMaths to check if you have finished your homework activity and TT Rockstars to practise your times tables.
Yesterday, we started to plan our independent mystery stories. If you missed yesterday's lesson, look back at the activity set so that you can plan your plot points in the narrative/story map.
When we start writing our independent stories next week, the following sentences will be used to start your story: Moments after Daniel bolted from the shop, Spud Harper strode back down the street. He paused, scratched his stubby chin and peered at an unusual shop with a delicate golden gate and curious, obsidian bricks.
Today, we want you to imagine that you are Spud! We would like you to describe the inside of the emporium when Spud walks in.