
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Tuesday 12th January


Our English for the next ten days will be another 'The Write Stuff' unit, led by the (slightly crazy) lady who we watched when we did the work on Feast way back in September.  Her name is Jane Considine.  We will not be doing the work 'live' and the link to the lesson can be watched at any point during the day.  You can pause the video if you need more time to do anything that she asks you to.  You are used to working in this way as it's what we have done in school in the Autumn term.  Have fun!  We will share some sentences in the zoom on Wednesday.

This is how you will need to set up your page - she will give you time to do it.

If you can't access the Jane Considine unit, then below is an alternative unit that will last two weeks.



Remember to keep on practising your spellings on Spelling Shed.

There are activities in the PowerPoints from yesterday too.  I have included them again, if you missed them yesterday. (They were a little later to be added).


