In maths this week we are revisiting some knowledge from Year 1 (Monday) and then moving on to our Year 2 topic of money
We are looking at recognising and knowing the value of different denominations of coins.
Ask a grown up if you can look at some coins and notes at home...
What is the value of each coin/note? How do you know?
How many 1 pence coins will you need to make 2p? 5p? 10p? 20p? 50p? 1 pound?
Can you name each coin and note? What is different? What is the same?
Do notes have a greater value than the coins?
Which is the hardest/easiest to count? Why?
In English this week we are looking at Traditional Tales...
What is a traditional tale?
A traditional tale is a story that has been told and re-told for many years, and consequently, becomes a story that almost everyone knows. Traditional tales are also referred to as fairy stories or fairy tales.
Stories such as Cinderella, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Jack and the Beanstalk are all traditional stories.
Can you find any traditional tales on your book shelf at home? Make a collection of them and share some of them with a member of your family.
Can you create your own book review about your favourite traditional story?
I would love to see them if you would like to send a picture of them
Please practise this week's spellings by logging on to Spelling Shed. If you have any issues logging in please email me
Can you create some sentences using these verbs?
Kick , kicked, kicking
jump, jumped, jumping
sigh, sighed, sighing
e.g I kick the ball. Today I am kicking the ball.
Yesterday I kicked the ball.
Don't forget capital letters and full stops