There will be different levels of maths follow up activities to do. Choose the one that is right for you. You don't have to chose the same level of sheet each time. If you are feeling confident, choose the expected and then try the Greater Depth. If you are feeling like you need to work at a slower pace to get more practise on some of the topics, please use the Developing level. The video lesson will cover all the learning you need, whichever level you choose to complete. The sheet they refer to during the video will usually be the expected level sheet. Remember - challenge yourself where you can!
Today we will be carrying on with 'The Secret of Black Rock' with Jane Considine.
We will not be doing the work 'live' and the link to the lesson can be watched at any point during the day. You can pause the video if you need more time to do anything that she asks you to. You are used to working in this way as it's what we have done in school in the Autumn term. Have fun!
I would love to hear some of yesterday's sentences in the zoom later!
Topic - Geography
Our Geography topic is about increasing our knowledge of locations around the world. Please use the lesson below to discover more about the two parts our world is divided into. Have a go at the quiz at the start and end of the lesson so that you can see how your learning improves. There are tasks to do within the lesson presentation, so pause the video and do them.