Read the extract from 'My Name is Mina,' on p22. Have a go at answering the questions in your booklet.
Today I would like you to get to know the story of 'The Wolves in the Walls.'
If you click on the video resources section, I have put together a reading of the book. (This is a little bit shorter than the original book, as we are going to be basing our writing on it this term).
I have also typed out a version for you to look at the text, which can be found below.
Once you have listened to the story, I would like you to find all of the verbs (action words) ending in ing.
There are some great ones, for example, 'crinkling, crackling and crumpling.' Make a list of them in your books.
Using items you can find around the house, can you create sound effects to go with a retelling of the story? Once you have found your effects, have a go at telling or listening to the story and adding your effects at the same time.
Tuesday Reading:
Read 'An Interview with Rebecca Adlington' on p20. Have a go at answering the questions in your booklet.
I have included them below, if you do not have your booklet.
Reading Monday
Read the extract ‘Let’s Get Growing!’ in your reading booklet (p. 10). Have a go at answering the questions in your answer booklet.
If you do not have your reading booklet, the text and questions are below.