Year 1
LQ: How can I compare lengths and heights?
Today we will continue to use and understand the language of length such as long, longer, short, shorter, tall, taller. This language will change depending on what type of length you are describing and comparing.
Year 2
Today we are going to revisit odd and even numbers. You would have learned a little about these in Year 1.
Can you use objects around the home to create odd and even amounts?
What makes a number odd/even?
Maths Challenges
If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great questions below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book.
Year 1
Play Tricky Word Trucks and Dragons Den.
Practise spelling: again, thought, through
LQ: Which oa?
Blend for reading: toe
Segment for spelling: foe
Practise :
Read 'The Old Pony' (See below) and underline all of the words containing the 'oa' phoneme.
Apply: Add words to their grids.
Year 2
Spelling short /o/ as (w)a and (qu)a
Read yesterday's words: son, does, done, nothing, another, mother, brother, love. money, worry, front
Read was and want. What sound is the a making in these words?
was, want, watch, wand, wallet, wasp, squad, squat
Identify the o sound in the words.
Which of the above words are nouns and which are verbs?
Write clues for each other to guess the word. ( Cinderella's Fairy Godmother waved one of these.)
Today's Year 1 task is to find some interesting facts about other animals that live in trees.
Today's Year 2 task is to carry out research and create a poster about owls.