LQ: How do I subtract by counting back? (crossing 10)
Today we are using number tracks and number lines again to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number but you will need to cross/count back past the number 10 to solve your subtraction number sentences.
Year 2
Today we are starting a new topic - multiplication and division.
We will start by revisiting some of the learning from last year.
As a warm-up, can you use your toys or objects at home to make your own equal groups?
Please can you watch the clip below about making equal groups.
There isn't a worksheet for this session, there are activities to follow in the video.
L:Q: How do writers create mood?
In this lesson, we will create our own 'mood toolkit' by reading as a writer.
Year 1 Phonics
This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.
Revisit - Flashcard time challenge (all phases)
- Tricky word trucks (choose any phase to practise reading tricky words)
Teach - Alternative spelling of /s/ - We can use 'se' to make the same sound.
Blending for reading: house, grease, purse
Segmenting for spelling: grouse, loose, mouse
Practise spelling: people, would
Practise/Apply –
Read the phoneme spotter story (below). Can you find all of the se, st and s words? You could put all the words you find into a list.
Challenge: Write a sentence using some of the words you have found.
Year 2 Phonics
This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.
LQ: What do we do when the noun ends in o?
Phonics Play: Read and write a sentence from Phase 5D.
Read words: planets, lights, crumbs, gadgets, animals, glasses.
For which words do we just add s? For which words do we add es?
Often when the noun ends in o we add es, but this time you can’t hear it because it does not add another syllable.
Add es to the following words: potato, volcano, tomato hero, echo, domino
Choose two of the above and draw them: E.g, one potato, two potatoes
Fill in the missing words:
Paul loves to eat_____________ and_______________________.
My Grandad loves to play__________________.
Doctors and nurses are real life______________________ because they save lives.