We are continuing with our Icarus writing unit. Today is a sentence stacking day so you will need to split your paper into a 'thinking side' and a 'writing side'. We are going to be writing sentences to describe Icarus and Daedalus flying away from the tower.
Learning chunk 1 -Time adverbial
Learning chunk 2 - Semi-colon (punctuation) and prepositions
Learning chunk 3 - Ellipse (punctuation)
Learning chunk 1 - Teacher model: Half an hour later, Icarus was still swooping around the sky, flying loop the loops.
Learning chunk 2 - Teacher model: Daedalus risked a look down. They were in the middle of the sea; there was no land in sight.
Learning chunk 3 - Teacher model: If anything went wrong now...
Today, we are learning how to multiply a non-unit fraction by an integer (whole number). Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions attached below.