
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Thursday 25th February


Today we are looking at dividing by 5. Remember you can count in 5's and use your 5 times-tables to help you. 


How does knowing your 5 times-tables help to divide by 5? 

Divide by 5

Divide by 5" by White Rose Maths.


Please practise this week's spelling on Spelling Shed. 

Maths Challenges

If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great questions below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book. smiley


Spelling short /i/



Spell some of yesterday's words: watch, wasp, wash, squash, squad, squat



Recap on y as i phoneme.

Sound talk the words: gym, myth



gym, mystery, pyramid, myth, crystal, cymbal, pretty, busy

Circle the i phoneme in each word. Note: Which letter is making the i sound in pretty and busy? a 3D shape with a point at the top and 4 or 5 faces. 

The...................sparkled in the sunlight. a musical instrument.

My dress is very…………...



Identify today's word(s) and the type of sentence. 

What a pretty crystal I have found! 

Are the pyramids in Egypt a myth? 

Find the cymbal in the music box. 

I like to go to the gym because I need to exercise. 


For the next two days the task will be to retell a well known story or write a story of their own. 
