
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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SATs Information

SATS WEEK 2014 - 12th -16th May 2014

This page provides dates and other information about the KS2 SATs, as well as useful websites to support revision.

SATs week this year will run from Monday 12th May 2014 until Friday 16th May 2014.
A small number of children may attempt the Level 6 papers (please remember that Level 4 is the nationally expected level for children at the end of KS2, level 6 is expected by the end of Year 9!) which will take place during the same week.

The timetable for the week will be placed here later in the school year:

Each year a selection of schools are required to take Science SATs and English Writing SATs. This is to maintain the accuracy of teacher assessments across the country. We will know later in the year if our school has been selected to take part in these tests.

In 2014, there will be a few changes. There will no longer be a calculator element to the Maths SATs, whilst there will be changes this year to the format of the Reading SAT.

Here are some websites that can help with your revision - Some are better than others and you have to pick the ones that best suit your child's needs:

BBC Revisewise Good for gaining a better understanding on some topics, and also has mini tests to check your knowledge!

Woodlands Junior School in Kent    has a well developed site, with may links to fun activities to help you revise and develop your understanding of Maths and English topics.


Mathszone is a good site for sharpening up those maths skills


Nrich maths site has many challenges for even the most capable mathematicians


Count on - a fun site, including 'Who wants to be a Mathionnaire'

Maths is fun - The puzzle page here is good for developing thinking skills, especially good for those aiming at Level five or six.

Remember, there are many, many sites out there with all sorts of activities, these are just a few. Choose the sites that best suit your child's needs. Make sure your child has time to relax and play as well!
