Monday - Friday
Over the last few weeks, you have been looking at fractions. We will be moving on next week to a new topic.
Fractions is an area that many children can find quite tricky. Below you will find a link to the new National Academy Site. The lessons work through some of the concepts that we have been looking at with the White Rose Work. Use this week to consolidate the learning you have done on fractions so far.
There are 5 lessons set, with online quizzes to do.
Update: There are now 10 lessons set. Please don't feel that you have to complete all of them. Pick the areas that you feel most beneficial to your child.
You also have activities set on MyMaths and you can keep on practising your times tables using TT Rockstars.
The Previous work from White Rose is also still available to revisit. The learning clips are really useful if you missed these before.