
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 1st February


Year 1

LQ: How do I find one more and one less?

Today we are learning how to find one more and one less with numbers up to 50. You could use objects, number tracks, number lines or a 100 square to help you to count forwards and backwards.

Maths Challenges

If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great questions below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book. smiley

Y2 Maths 


Today we are looking at using the multiplication symbol and working out the totals using pictures. Remember to look at the different numbers and think about what they represent in the pictures. 

Y2 Challenge Questions 



The booklet below contains this week's activities. Each task is designed to help the children practise and develop the skills we have been working on in class. There are reading comprehension, spelling, phonics and grammar activities. There is also an extension suggestion for each task.





Year 1


Play Tricky Word Trucks and Flash Cards Speed Trial



LQ: Which ee ?


How many ways can we write ee? 

ee, ea, ey, y, e, ie


Blend for reading: least



Segment for spelling: seat 




Practise/ Apply : Read the phoneme spotter on Phonics Play together. How many words can they find that contain the 'ee' phoneme? 


Year 2 


LQ: Can you identify parts of a sentence? 

LQ: What are the different sentence types? 


Recap: What is a noun/ verb/ adjective? 


Where is my yellow hat? 

Underline the adjective and the noun. What sort of sentence is this? A: Question. 


What a beautiful day it is today! 

Underline the adjective and the noun. What sort of sentence is this? A: Exclamation.


(Recap on the fact that exclamation sentences begin with How or What and end with an exclamation mark.) 



Commands- Tell someone what to do and usually begin with the verb. 

Open the door. (please)

Write the sentence. 

Listen to the music. 


Underline the verbs in the sentence. 


Practise/ Apply:  

Which sentence is a command/question/exclamation/statement? 


How lovely to see you!

Make your bed please. 

I like dancing and singing. 

When is it lunchtime? 






