Today the children had a visit from their new class teacher for 2021/2022. Each child has received a letter to state which class they are in. Everyone was very excited about Year One after meeting their new teacher.
We are so proud of all the children. It has been a very busy half term! We hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy the sunshine!
This week we took part in an amazing Indian Dance Workshop at the memorial hall. The children enjoyed listening and dancing to different Indian music. We all learnt some new dance moves together, it was so much fun!
On Thursday we were visited by Pete the Poet. He told us several stories from different countries. We went on a flying carpet, dressed up as toys and played musical was very exciting. Luckily we made it back to school before the end of the day!
We used our Forest School time to explore the clouds above and imagine the shapes as different things. We listened to our breathing to calm us and Mrs Heywood read this story about recognising peace. We were taught different finger play techniques to calm when troubled and Mrs Bottomley shared a video about how to calm ourselves when thoughts get too big.