Today we are going to be writing our journal entries. We would like you to imagine you are writing in your diary at the end of a day during the war. What might you have done during the day? Make sure you include plenty of detail about how you are feeling and what you are worried about. Remember - you can make this as personal as you would like; imagine you are writing to a friend or family member, it doesn't need to be formal or official sounding.
You might want to start your entry, by using the opening: Dear diary,
Try to use as much of the information gathered yesterday as possible, especially the topic vocabulary which will help you to sound like you were really there at the time.
Today we are looking at estimating and rounding to estimate answers for calculations and problems. The term approximate is used throughout. You will need to consider the most appropriate number to round to e.g. the nearest ten, hundred or thousand. Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions attached below.
Last week, we started to learn about databases. We also started researching facts and information about the planets in our solar system in preparation for our own simple databases about planets.
Click here to watch a video to learn about databases and where you might find real life databases.
Using the example database below, I would like you to create your own database about a topic of your choice. For example, you could create a database to organise information about animals, your toys at home or even Pokémon cards!
You can either draw your database table on paper using a pencil and a ruler or have a go at creating a digital table document on a programme e.g. Microsoft Word.
We are continuing to learn about Space today. Watch the video here to learn all about our solar system - in this lesson, we will discuss what we can find in our solar system. We will also discuss what a planet, moon and space dust are. Finally, we will examine the differences between asteroids, meteoroids, meteors and meteorites.