Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer Term - week 8' for this week's work. Today, we are looking at lesson 2, which is about finding pairs of values.
Quick SPaG
Activity 2: Persuasive games
We will need to be really persuasive in our writing. Let's warm up by playing a couple of persuasive games.
★ Crazy Persuasions
You could do this in a pair taking it in turns, on your own or even try to write the little persuasions down. Take one minute to try to persuade …
✓ A cat to make friends with a dog
✓ A parent to let you stay out late
✓ A teacher to cancel all homework
✓ A prince/princess to marry you
✓ The England manager to pick you for the team
✓ A wicked witch to change her ways
★ Estate Agent Role Play
Take the role of an estate agent whose job it is to try and sell houses. You have a difficult challenge here to sell the run-down property in the picture.
• Write your own persuasive paragraph
• Use the writing frame below and add in pushy, persuasive language
• Design the poster that would be stuck in the estate agent’s window
Please visit the BBC Bitesize website for today's geography activity, which is learning about the Lake District. There is a video to watch, some photographs to look through and two activities to complete.