Daily Zoom
Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We will have a chat about our writing plans, as well as checking our understanding of the maths work for today.
We will use the same password and meeting ID as usual.
Today we are going to be reading chapter 7. In this chapter we learn how Joey moves on from his loss.
Have a go at answering the questions below.
(40 minutes)
We are looking at the words that contain an ‘oh’ sound can be spelled using ‘ou’ or ‘ow’. There are other words spelled using ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ but they are not pronounced the same way.
What do you notice about our words? Where do we find the 'ou' or 'ow' sound within our words?
Have a go at the activity below.
(20 minutes)
Today in maths we are looking at the different ways of converting decimals to fractions. You will know how to convert some of these already but the video here and worksheet below will mean you can convert any fraction to a decimal.
(45 minutes)
Today is our first writing day and over the rest of this week we are going to be thinking about how our letter should look and what we can include in it to really make it our best work.
As a warm up today, and something to add to our plan from yesterday, we are going to have a little think about the sentence types we can use for impact. Could we use an if, if, if then sentence? Would a some; others make our reader pay more attention to our writing? Below are a few examples we think could work - could you write your own to fit into your piece?
If, if, if, then -
In summary, if you are intelligent, if you have listened to my arguments, if you are keen to avoid the disastrous consequences, then you will know that making school uniform mandatory is the only possible outcome.
Some; others -
Some people foolishly think school uniform doesn't have an impact on a child's school life; the majority know how much identity it gives them.
The question is: ? -
The question is: will you make the clear, obvious, right choice?
All of these offer a great way to get punctuation into your writing while having an impact on the reader.
Today we are going to have a think about and then write the introduction and first PEPS of our letters; in school we will be doing a best copy once we have edited our letters so you might choose to hand write your letter now so you can edit it, then type a nice final copy at the end of the week, but it is up to you.
So today we need to focus on the layout, introduction and first PEPS paragraph of our letters. Think about where the addresses are going and who the letter is going to. Also, how will you refer to them as (Dear Mr/Mrs..... or To whom it may concern)? If you are unsure of what our letters should look like and which address goes where, you can rewatch the video (here) from last week to remind yourselves.
(60 minutes)
Forest School
Forest School today, so a chance to get outside after a tough morning of reading, maths and writing. Today we are going to have a go a creating a labyrinth (maze); we were going to be doing this on a bigger scale in groups while in school, but you can do it at home just as well. You might need to go on a walk to collect some equipment, whether that is sticks, leaves, stones or something else, but see if you can build a maze to challenge someone in your household to get through it.
We'd love to see your efforts - your structures last week were fantastic so well done.
(60 minutes)
Warning - next week we are going to be building dens, these can be done inside or outside, so apologies to all the adults in advance.