
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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House Pages


We have four Houses at Trull School, named after local areas:  Cotlake, Eastbrook, Gatchell and Kibbear.  Every child is allocated to a House.  Points are awarded for achievement by Class Teachers, Teaching Assistants and the Head. 

Each House has a colour, Cotlake (blue), Eastbrook (red), Gatchell (green) and Kibbear (yellow).

Each week at our whole School Celebration Assembly the weekly points totals are announced and the appropriate coloured ribbon attached to the House trophy. Our House Captains also give a congratulatory talk to the children of the winning House. 

House Captains for 2024/25:

Cotlake - Harry and Bonnie

Eastbrook - Caleb and Ariana

Gatchell - Francesca and Oliver

Kibbear - Katie and Oliver
