
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 28th May



We have no reading homework, no spellings and no homework books but we do have a little half term project for you to have a go at. 


Dear Yew Class,

Rather than giving out spellings and homework books over half-term, we would like you to do a History project on the life of a child in a historical era. This could be the Romans, Victorians, Anglo-Saxons or Vikings – the only one that is off limits is the Ancient Greeks but aside from that it is your choice.

This should take 1-2 hours to complete, and you can present it however you would like so feel free to be creative! This could be an A4 mind map, a fact file, a biography, an annotated drawing, or any other way you wish to present.

We will be sharing these projects in class on the first Thursday back after half-term so please make sure they have been handed in by then.

Have a lovely half-term - we look forward to seeing your creations!

Many thanks,

Miss Swinson, Mr Bond and Mr Bottomley



Today we are having a bit of practice in working out the average, we did this in class a couple of weeks back so we thought a little reminder was needed. If you can't remember the method then you can watch the video here



Our final session on poetry this half term, looking at the themes that we can pick out of a poem. Look with the help of the video here at how the poet shares the meaning of the poems and how he puts them across the to the reader. 
