
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 5th March

Secret Student Treat!

To mark the end of this round of home schooling, Friday 5th March is going to be a whole school secret student treat!

We are going to declare the day an ‘official’ pyjama day!  There will be no zoom lessons that day and no online learning tasks.  All tasks will be related to bedrooms, beds and pjs and so will be a break from screen time. 

The key worker children in school are also invited to wear pyjamas/onesies to school if they wish, however, remember it can still be a little on the chilly side with all the windows open.  Please make sure appropriate footwear is worn as they will be outside for playtimes etc.

Below, there is a list of ideas that you can choose from or you can create your own.  Feel free to be creative! Please do email any pictures or work that is completed that day to the relevant class email for your child/children.  


Menu of ideas:

Draw the view from your bedroom window.


Design and make a mobile or hanging for over your bed or on your bedroom wall.


Design a dream catcher.


What would your ideal bedroom be like?  Make a list of ideas and plan it out, either as a layout diagram or as a picture.

If your bedroom is already as amazing as you would like it to – why not have a try at designing the rest of your house?  You can transform it into anything you would like it to be – a mansion with a swimming pool, a cosy cottage, a cave, a castle, a space station.  Remember to include all the rooms that you would need to live in it comfortably.


If you could have any sort of bed to sleep in, what would it be?  Design your ideal bed – would it be based on a car?  A tractor? A rocket?  Would it be a four-poster from a Medieval castle or a fairy tale?


Do you have a favourite duvet cover?  Draw it or design your perfect bed cover.


Stay in bed late and have a read of your current book or an old favourite.


Can you make a den out of bedding and covers for you and your best teds?  How snuggly can you make it?  Settle in and look at/read some books.


Draw yourself in your favourite pyjamas/onesie or design your own?  Would it be based on Harry Potter?  Minecraft? Star Wars? Would it be Christmas themed?  Would it be covered in unicorns, llamas or dinosaurs?


What kind of dreams do you have?  Could you draw your best ever dream?  Or, something that you would like to dream about?  A walk on a beautiful beach?  A bath in custard?  A room full of talking teddies?


You could set up a teddy school and be the teacher – you could teach them something that you have learned during this lockdown or read them a story.  Make sure they behave themselves the way good learners should!


Imagine if you bed was transformed into a flying bed 

(a little like a magic flying carpet).  Where could you go?  What adventures could you have?  Could you travel back in time or forward in time?   What might you see if you did?  Write or draw what you could get up to.


The Land of Counterpane is a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson.  Could you read it and perform it?  Could you write it out in your best handwriting?  What pictures would you draw to illustrate it?


The Land of Counterpane

by Robert Louis Stevenson

When I was sick and lay a-bed,
I had two pillows at my head,
And all my toys beside me lay,
To keep me happy all the day.

And sometimes for an hour or so
I watched my leaden soldiers go,
With different uniforms and drills,
Among the bed-clothes, through the hills;

And sometimes sent my ships in fleets
All up and down among the sheets;
Or brought my trees and houses out,
And planted cities all about.

I was the giant great and still
That sits upon the pillow-hill,
And sees before him, dale and plain,
The pleasant land of counterpane

You may choose for today to be your 24-Hour Reading Challenge - a day to read as many different genres or types of book as possible.

Pop back onto our learning from Monday to remind yourself of the challenge.


Alternatively, if you really enjoyed some of the books we looked at yesterday, many of those authors are giving a talk at 10:30 this morning. Click on the link here if you would like to watch them talk about their books and to get some tips.


If you are still looking for ideas, head over to our In case you finish... section to complete any activities that you haven't had a chance to try yet.


Alternatively have a go at some of the ideas on the document below. 
