
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 1st May


Today we will finish Wonder! We really hope you have enjoyed it. If so, the good news is that there are some other books in this series that you can enjoy.

Read the final pages of the book and then have a go at these questions.

a) There is a ceremony at school: what happens at the ceremony that shows a change from the beginning to the end of the school year? (2 marks)

b) "Should everyone get a standing ovation once in their life?" Reflect on your own life and people you know. If you could give someone a standing ovation as a gift, who would you give it to and why? (2 marks)

c) Mr Tushman says, "Always try to be a little kinder than necessary." What does that mean to you? In your opinion, what character shows this the best? Why? (3 marks)



It is time for your spelling test today! Please recap your words from this week, then ask a family member to test you on your ten spellings.

Your new spellings will now be live on Spelling Shed.

Congratulations to Griffin Hubbard, Matthew Merritt and Mcloughlin Hammad for top scoring this week!



Today you will have a few maths challenges to have a go at! On either or, you can access the maths challenges. 

Please don't worry if there are some that test you a bit on here - they are meant to be a challenge!

If you would prefer to revise an area of maths that we haven't looked at in a while, I have set some work on reflecting and translating shapes on for you to try. 

If you are feeling very adventurous, why don't you give them all a try?



For your PE session today we would like you to become the PE teacher! You will need to design a workout session for either yourself or for your family, with the aim to get moving and active. 

There are two options...


Activity 1 - Can you design a Take 5 workout for your family to join in with? Find a song that you like and design a routine of simple, easy-to-follow moves. It could include star jumps, squats, sidesteps, jumps or anything else you can think of. For those of you in school, I am sure Mr Bond and his team would absolutely love to join in with your finished routines! For those of you at home, can you persuade your family to join in?


Activity 2 - Your task is to become Joe Wicks! Can you design your own High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout? Think of 10 activities that you can perform for 30 seconds at a time, with a 30 second interval in-between each of them. You could include lunges, squats, planks, jumps/hops or many others. Make sure you include a warm up and a cool down. 

We would absolutely love to see videos of you and your families all joining in together!



Today I would like you to visit this website to look at a wonderful book:

It is packed full of short stories and poems from some of our favourite authors, including Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Anthony Horowitz, Jacqueline Wilson, Peter Bunzl and so many more! I would like you to read page 14 - 16, which explains beautifully why Katherine Rundell put this book together.

I would like you to imagine that Katherine Rundell has written to you, with the same instructions she gave to the other writers:


Feel free to read as many of the entries as you would like for inspiration, before having a go at producing something of your own that would give hope and positivity to others. It could be a poem (you should be good at those after the last two weeks!), a short story (under 500 words), a piece of non-fiction or a drawing. 

I would love it if you were able to send in a photo of your finished work so that we could piece together our own Yew Class Book of Hope! 
