We are continuing to explore poems by Michael Rosen today, looking at his narrative poem called 'I'm Tired'. Read (or watch) the poem by clicking on the document below.
Then have a go at writing your own version of 'I'm Tired'. Maybe yours could be a discussion between two brothers or sisters, called 'I'm Hungry' or 'I'm Bored'. Alternatively, it could be a more positive discussion called 'I'm Happy'. It is completely up to you what you want to write about, but we would love to see what you come up with!
Today we are learning how to multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number using the column method. Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions below.
There are some new spellings set on SpellingShed for this week. Log in and have a look at them.
Your latest MyMaths homework has also been set, so feel free to visit MyMaths to complete this.