
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Welcome to Rowan Class


We are the pupils of Year 4.   
Mrs Trump and Mrs Wilkins are our class teachers

Miss Feltham and Mr Porter are our classroom assistants.


  There are lots of exciting things happening in the summer term in Rowan Class. Each Tuesday we will be taking the bus to Taunton School for our swimming lessons. Don't forget to bring your swimming things!

  We are sounding amazing in our brass lessons with Mr Bowen! We've lost count of the number of pieces we can play. Later in the term we hope to bring you a concert to showcase our talents.

  In our topic work we will be firstly investigating the effect of different forces through lots of fun experiments. Then later in the term we will be looking at plants, we hope to not only grow some of our own but also enjoy cooking and eating them too!

Star of the Week

Why Is Communication So Important?

Each term we issue an overview of the curriculum during the term. This gives parents/carers the opportunity to talk about these topics at home with their child, or perhaps arrange a family outing to increase awareness and understanding of a subject.

Find out whether you are in the Monday or Tuesday group. Forest school starts the second week of the Spring Term.

Spellings are taught in our spellings session everyday, so your spellings will be given out every Tuesday by your teacher. Remember to practice for your test next Monday!

In class, as you know, we are doing multiplication Olympics and here is a blank bronze test sheet. It gives you a chance to practice away from lessons if you would like to get better before the next test.

In class, as you know, we are doing multiplication Olympics and here is a blank silver test sheet. It gives you a chance to practice away from lessons if you would like to get better before the next test.

In class, as you know, we are doing multiplication Olympics and here is a blank Gold test sheet. It gives you a chance to practice away from lessons if you would like to get better before the next test.

We are all getting very good now so here is the platinum multiplication test sheet. Have a practice before our next test.

We are all getting very good now so here is the diamond multiplication test sheet. Have a practice before our next test.

The hardest test sheet yet, introducing even harder division questions!

Rowan Class Summer Timetable
