
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 25th January


Year 1

LQ: How can I compare number sentences?

Today we are going to compare different number sentences using... 'less than', 'greater than' and 'equal to'. We can show this using the inequality symbols too... less than, > greater than and = equal to.

*Remember, the 'greedy crocodile' always wants eat the bigger number/amount.


Year 2 

This is the last lesson that we will be recapping our learning from Year 1. 

Today we are looking at arrays.


We can make arrays by making equal groups and building them up in columns and rows. 


What is the difference between columns and rows? 


Can you make your own arrays at home using objects around your home?

You could use lego, beads, counters, money or toys. 

Y1 Maths Challenges

If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great questions below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book.


Today I would like you to write sentences which include each of this week's spellings. Please see the document below. 




Year 1 


LQ: Which ai?

Teach alternative spellings for /ai/.

Revisit: Read Phase 5 tricky words. Play Reading Robot- Phase 5 words. 

Spell: looked, called, asked 

Review: ai  rain  tail  main

Teach/ Practise: How many ways of writing ai can you remember?  (ai, ay, a-e, ey)


            Blending for reading:  amaze  escape  snake 

            Segment for spelling: bate   shake   make    tame  lake 

Apply: Read the Phoneme Spotter on Phonics Play together (Paper copy below). 

 How many words can you find? 


Year 2


LQ: What is a contraction? 


Revise: Recap on verbs and nouns. 




Revise contractions  they have met before; I’m, she’s, it’s. 

 is, is not, isn't  (The meaning has been changed to the opposite).

Explain how the words are pushed together and the apostrophe shows where the ‘o’ is left out. Can they think of a sentence containing isn’t ? 



 are not, aren't, was not, wasn't, were not, weren't 

Match the words with the contractions. What happens to the word when it is contracted? (The words are joined together and the o is left out.)



See Day 1 of the resource pack.






