
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week beginning 27.2.23

A huge thank you to Mrs McElwaine, who kindly came in to talk to us about her job as a radiographer. We had great fun looking at lots of different X-rays and guessing what each one was! We also heard about Jeffery’s experience at the hospital. He hurt his hand and it had to be X-rayed. Thank you Mrs McElwaine for looking after him!

Fine motor skills- we used play dough to make some different shapes and animals and did some dough disco!

Maths- 2D Shape pictures

Aalto shared some photos of Tokyo and we looked at some of differences between here and there.

PE- We continued to work on our spatial awareness. We looked at different ways of balancing and rolling!

World Book Day 2023

Our lovely Year Six children came and read with us!

Physical Development- Outdoor trim trail

Phonics- can you spot the digraph when reading words?

In Literacy we have been reading the story of ‘Rainbow Fish’. We love Grandma Fantastic!

Ash Class Vet
