
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Tuesday 19th January


Today we are starting a new topic - multiplication and division. 


We will start by revisiting some of the learning from last year. 


As a warm-up, can you use your toys or objects at home to make your own equal groups? 


  • what does equal mean?
  • how do we know if groups are equal? 
  • what is the same/different?
  • how can we describe groups of objects? 


Please can you watch the clip below about making equal groups. 

There isn't a worksheet for this session, there are activities to follow in the video. 


Make equal groups activity

Make equal groups activity" by White Rose Maths.


Please practise this week's spellings by logging on to Spelling Shed. If you have any issues logging in please email me.  

There is also an activity to help you practise below...


In this lesson, we will create our own 'mood toolkit' by reading as a writer.


This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.


LQ: What do when the noun ends in o?


Phonics Play: Read and write a sentence from Phase 5D.


Read words: planets, lights, crumbs, gadgets, animals, glasses.

For which words do we just add s? For which words do we add es?



Often when the noun ends in o we add es, but this time you can’t hear it because it does not add another syllable.


Add es to the following words: potato, volcano, tomato hero, echo, domino



Choose two of the above and draw them: E.g, one potato, two potatoes



Fill in the missing words:

Paul loves to eat_____________ and_______________________.


My Grandad loves to play__________________.


Doctors and nurses are real life______________________ because they save lives.


Below, you will find our topic work for the week. 


For those children than are still coming into school, please can I ask that you use the days of the week to guide your learning, as you will also be doing these tasks in school on the days that you are in.   


For those learning at home full-time, you can choose which day you would like to do each activity smiley
