Your spellings list this week is list 30 and this will be on Spelling Shed for you.
There are some activities that you might like to use to practise your spellings in the document below.
Some other things you might like to do to practise your spellings are...
- write them all out in your neatest handwriting
- write a sentence containing each spelling
- think of a mnemonic for each spelling (e.g. Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits for because)
- grab a dice and play the dice game that we play in school! 1 - write your spelling using your opposite hand, 2 - write consonants in one colour and vowels in another, 3 - write your spelling as quickly as you can with your eyes closed, 4 - spell the word aloud in a funny voice, 5 - write the word in pyramid style, 6 - write the word in capital letters. Can you think of any other ways to write the spelling?
- play a version of our 'beat the teacher' game - can you challenge a parent or brother/sister to play with you? Set a timer for as long as you like and write your chosen spelling as many times as possible!
Why not see if someone at home can test you on them on Friday?