
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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House Rugby

House Rugby 2024-25

Monday 30th September

Kibbear 3 vs 8 Cotlake

(Katie 2, Olly M : Kit 2, Harry 2, Lily, Josie, Joe, Sol)

Gatchell 2 vs 6 Eastbrook

(Jude 2 : Cooper 3, Hugh 2, Caleb)


Tuesday 1st October

Cotlake 6 vs 4 Gatchell

(Kit 3, Harry, Josie, Sol : Felix 2, Jude, Rupert)

Eastbrook 9 vs 5 Kibbear

(Cooper 5, Caleb 3, Hugh : Katie 3, Olly M, Ollie P)


Thursday 3rd October

Gatchell 6 vs 6 Kibbear

(Jude 4, Felix, Alex : Katie 3, Olly M 2, Alice)

Eastbrook 6 vs 5 Cotlake

(Caleb 3, Cooper 2, Hugh : Sol 2, Josie, Teddy, Kit)


Eastbrook WIN


Top Try Scorer: Cooper 10





House Rugby School year 2023-24

Cotlake win. 

Tuesday 5th March 

Eastbrook 5 vs 4 Kibbear

(Isaac, Fletcher, Cooper, Caleb, Miles : Isla 2, Elsie, Finn)

Cotlake 5 vs 5 Gatchell

(Toby 2, Lucca 2, Sonny : Sam 2, Amani 2, Meme) 


Thursday 7th March 

Eastbrook 5 vs 8 Gatchell

(Fletcher 2, Miles 2, Billy : Amani 3, Sam 2, Jude, Meme, Alfred)

Cotlake 7 vs 3 Kibbear

(Lucca 4, Sonny, Toby, Emily : Finn, Niamh, Rose)


Friday 8th March 

Kibbear 5 vs 4 Gatchell

(Finn, Ollie P, Rose, Isla, Niamh : Olly H, Sam, Alana, Ariana)

Eastbrook 2 vs 4 Cotlake

(Caleb, Fletcher : Toby 2, Teddy, Lucca)



Eastbrook &



Top Try Scorer: Lucca (7)

Amani, Sam & Toby (5)

School year 2022-23


GATCHELL WIN with 2 wins and 1 draw by +1 try difference


29th November

Kibbear 5 vs 5 Eastbrook

(Oakley 4, Oliver: Zoe 3, Bethan 2)


30th November

Cotlake 3 vs 3 Gatchell

(Ben 2, Thomas : Oscar 2, Holly)


2nd December

Eastbrook 3 vs 5 Cotlake

(Zoe, Bethan 2 : Ben 3, Holly, Charlie)


3rd December

Kibbear 3 vs 5 Gatchell

(Oakley 2, Oliver : Oscar 4, Charlie)


6th December

Eastbrook 2 vs 7 Gatchell

Cotlake 5 vs 1 Kibbear



