
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 11th January

Daily Zoom


Don't forget we have got our first hour session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm, we will be concentrating today on our reading as we are starting that for the first time today. Bring your answers with you and any question you might have about the book or any other work we have set below. 


We will use the same password and meeting ID as last Friday. 



Your first job is to get an adult or older sibling to test your spellings from last week. We were looking at the suffix -ful and how it affected our root words. To help your adults out, the list of your words to be tested is below - let us know how you got on. 


  1. faithful
  2. merciful
  3. plentiful
  4. pitiful
  5. beautiful
  6. doubtful
  7. thankful
  8. fearful
  9. boastful
  10. fanciful


This week's spellings aren't as easy as last week we are afraid; this week we are looking at words that can be both nouns and verbs. The list can be found below, on our spelling page or on Spelling Shed - these are all words that can be a noun (a thing) or a verb (an action). Their spellings don't change (which is good), but their meaning and use will do. 


Today's task is to use the list below and write out the meaning of each of the words. (You can use a dictionary to help you with any you are unsure of.) Please have these definitions ready for our Zoom call, as we will check we are all happy with their meanings. 













Time taken 15-20 minutes



Today we will finally be starting our next class reading book - War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. I know many of you have been very eager to begin!

Each day we will ask you to read a section of the book and then answer some questions. We may ask you a few questions about the book during our Zoom session at 12:00. 


Can you please read the introduction and then to the end of Chapter 1 today and then answer these questions.


  1. From whose point of view is the story being told? Is this first-person or third-person?
  2. Describe the horse’s earliest memories.
  3. Why did the horse not call his new owner ‘master’?
  4. How does the horse first describe his new owner? Quote from the chapter.
  5. What two words does the boy use to describe the horse to his mother?
  6. Describe in detail the character of Albert.
  7. What reason did Mother have for Father buying the Horse?
  8. Why did Albert decide to call the horse Joey?
  9. How do you think Joey is feeling by the end of the chapter? What do you think is going on in his head?
  10. Making use of the text within the chapter, define the following words and phrases (you can use a dictionary if you are struggling):
  • hubbub (P3)

  • ‘but you’ll be eating out of my hand quick as a twick’ (P5)

  • recoiled (P6)

  • ‘her words lacked conviction’ (P8)


Time taken 30-40 minutes

Mr Bottomley's Maths


Over the last week we have been exploring lots of different areas to do with fractions. Today I would like you to go to MyMaths and have a go at some different tasks which will test your understanding of the things we have learnt recently. 

If there are any areas that you are a little bit unsure about or any questions where you are not sure what to do, please watch the Online Lesson which will be available when you click on any of the set tasks. Good luck!


Time taken 45-60 minutes

Mr Bond's Maths


Today we are going to use: our knowledge of measure, our new knowledge of how to use ratio (from the last lesson) and conversions to work out how to convert measures from metric units to imperial units. 

Metric units counts for centimetres, metres and kilometres, as well as grams and kilograms, whilst imperial units count as older units of measure such as miles, yards, stone, ounces. 

We mainly stick to metric measurements now, but things like road signs are still in imperial units. Today we are looking at converting between miles and kilometres, so 5 miles is roughly the same as 8 kilometres. 

Using ratio, if i walked 24 kilometres then that would be the same as 15 miles. 


Use the sheet below to see if you can use this across different ratios. 


Lastly, see if you can use this to work at converting different metric and imperial units with the challenge on mymaths


Time taken 40-50 minutes



Today we are beginning to focus on some of the language choices we can make when writing persuasively. The video (which can be viewed here) focuses on three word choices, but we would like you to use a thesaurus to find a wider range of vocabulary that you can use in your writing. If you haven't got a thesaurus at home, you can use an online thesaurus on the internet. 


At the end of the video you will be asked to write a few sentences. This will be the first chance to start thinking about what topic you feel strongly about. It is really important that the focus of your writing is something that matters to you - it could be whether animals should be kept in zoos, whether 11-year-old children should all have mobile phones, whether football on the school playground is a good idea, or something different entirely! You don't need to 100% decide this today, but you might like to start thinking about which topic you would like to write about when writing your sentences today. 


Make sure you keep these sentences in your workbooks, as you may want to use them later on this week.


Time taken 35-45 minutes



Good news! Today would be our PE day and we have arranged for Joe Wicks to start his PE with Joe sessions again today!

Please visit The Body Coach Youtube Channel to join in with his workout from today. You might even be able to persuade your family to join in with you!


Time taken 25-35 minutes
