Monday 4th January
Today we are all looking at recapping what we learnt last half term, focussing on our fractions and number operations. We have a practice of our multiplication, division and all four number operations with fractions. These things are particularly important in our arithmetic work.
Below are the calculations we are going to look at today, have a go in your exercise books and let us see how you got on via the class email.
We have also attached some fraction challenges at the bottom for you to have a go at, we are concentrating on numbers 2 and 3.
Today in class we are having a look at adjectives and the different types. Below is a worksheet that shows the difference between adjectives, comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives.
Monday is PE day for us so make sure you get active at some point today, go for a walk, get in the garden or follow one of Joe Wicks' workouts from the link here.
Tuesday 5th January
We are in slightly different places in maths so make sure you are doing the work relevant to your maths group.
Mr Bond's Maths
After recapping our fractions and number operations yesterday we are moving on to decimals. The first few skills we have snuck in with other topics across the year so hopefully we can ease you into it.
Today we are looking at numbers up to 3 decimal places, this is:
ones . tenths hundredths thousandths
We have worked with thousandths before but if you need a reminder the first activity and the first few questions of the second activity will refresh your memory, the last couple will test your understanding.
Mr Bottomley's Maths
We are looking at fractions still this week and we will be learning to multiply and divide fractions.
Today we are multiplying by whole numbers (integers) so click here where you can find a video to help you work out how to and below is a little activity to practice your new skill.
1 3
_ x 3 = _
2 2
Simply the numerator would multiply by the whole number and you would end up with an improper fraction which would simplify to 1 whole and one half.
Over the next two weeks we are looking at persuasive writing, how can we persuade the reader that what we think is the right way to think.
So with this in mind, we would like you to read the two pieces of persuasive writing in the document below and highlight or make a list of all the words that you consider persuasive. Which bits are good? What makes an impact with you?
Also think about which bits don't work? What doesn't have an impact?
This half term we are looking at inheritance and adaption in animals.
Inheritance is our focus today, this is in the shape of ourselves. You might be told you have your mum's eyes or you dad's nose. Hopefully you haven't actually got their nose or they would find it hard to smell anything but certain bits of you look a lot like your parents. This is inheritance, you have been given certain cells and DNA (bits of information) from both your parents so bits of you may look a lot like them.
This can be very interesting and our task today is to think about where we have come from so we are going to draw a family tree. This is a diagram that shows where you have come from, your parents, grandparents, great grandparents. Some of you will know lots about your families others will have to ask an adult. Below is the recent royal families' family tree. See if you can design your own family tree.
Wednesday 6th January
Mr Bond's Maths
We are going to use our knowledge of decimal places to help convert out units of measure. Today we are thinking about how much knowledge of the world around use and our perception of length, capacity and mass.
Length - how long something is - distance
Mass - how heavy something is - weight
Capacity - how much something can hold - space
Below is a work sheet that you can have a go at to measure and weigh things in your house. Use a tape measure or a measuring jug to help you judge some of the answers.
Mr Bottomley's Maths
Today we are looking at multiplying fractions by fractions, this is slightly different to yesterday as we don't have any whole numbers. Use the video here to find out why it works and a sneaky short cut to make our method easier.
We are carrying on with our persuasive unit, we are looking at the different features of a persuasive piece of writing. These features are the same whether you are writing a letter or a report like the one you saw yesterday. It is all the same techniques even if the layout is slightly different.
With that in mind if you follow the link here you will find lesson 1 of the persuasive writing unit, understanding the features of persuasive writing. Use the report you read yesterday to see if you can find some of the features the video points out.
PSHE/ Computing
Today we are looking at an important issue, one we have talked about before but is even more important with us spending so much time on computers over the next few weeks.
There are some questions below that we want you to have a think about, what would your answer be, do you think everyone would say the same?
We are again thinking about online information and your digital footprint. The internet is great, it is how we are communicating with you now and how we will see you all next week and beyond but it can be a tricky place to navigate safely. Like I said we have talked about social media and the age of use being 13 and why that might be but I want us to think today about.
But is you are on the internet, what things should you be sharing and when. Below is a list of information, I want you to design a poster with a big set of traffic lights in the middle. In the green light all the information that shouldn't be shared in the amber all the information about what might be shared at different times and in the green the things it is safe to tell most people most of the time.
your full name
photos of yourself that may identify where you are, or name of school
full address
name of your school or place of work
full date of birth
card numbers (credit, debit etc.)
phone numbers
email addresses (especially if they contain the name of your school or workplace, or your full name)
names of places you frequently visit or sporting teams you are in
your postcode
information in online quizzes or surveys as these could be gathering private information that may be used in identity theft.
Thursday 7th January
Mr Bond's Maths
Today we are looking at converting metric measure and how this is used to jump from millimetre to centimetres to kilometres. Metric measure all works in nice round numbers so you know that converting from one to the other you only need to multiply or divide by 10, 100 or 1000.
There are 1000 grams (g) in 1 kilogram (Kg) and 1000 kilograms in 1 metric tonne.
There are 10 millimetres (mm) in 1 centimetre. 100 centimetres (cm) in 1 metre. 1000 metres (m) in 1 kilometre (Km).
There are 1000 millilitres (ml) in 1 litre (L).
To go from grams to Kg you divide by 1000.
To go from Kg to grams you multiply by 1000.
Think of our spiders at the start of lessons to help.
Mr Bottomley's Maths
We are continuing with our work on fractions today and we have a couple of different tasks to look at. Today we are thinking about dividing fractions. Often it is easier to think of it as 'sharing', as it can sometimes make it a bit easier to visualise in our heads.
You will see that sometimes dividing a fraction is nice and easy! Unfortunately, sometimes it will take a bit more work...
To begin with, click here to see how we divide fractions by integers.
As I mentioned though, sometimes we can't divide the numerator nicely by the integer. Have a look here to see what we need to do if that is the case.
Once you have watched these videos, there are a couple of task down below for you to have a look at.
Good luck!
Today we are looking at a certain word class (group of words) which we haven't concentrated on much yet, but you will have used loads in your writing.
Pronouns - these aren't the same as proper nouns (the name of a person or place) but a word we can use instead of a noun.
The link here will take you to a video that will explain pronouns and their use, with a few activities to practice using them.
If you would like to, there is another lesson on spelling here but, if you prefer, you have already obviously got your spellings on Spelling Shed to practice.
Today we are starting our topic on other religions, we are looking at Hinduism this half term. We always find this one fascinating, finding out what other people believe in and the stories they tell.
Here is a link to a short video, this video will give an idea of the basics of the Hindu religion. Who they worship and the things they stand for. On the webpage below the video is some of the different takes on what we are going to look at in more detail as well.
Your first task though is a simple one, using the webpage to gather information can you write answers for the questions below.
What is the supreme God called and what does he stand for?
How many Holy Books do Hindus have and what are they called?
Where do Hindus go to worship?
Which city do Hindus consider the holiest city? (answer found in the captions below one of the pictures)
Friday 8th January
Mr Bond's maths
Today we are using our knowledge on converting units to solve problems, number 9 on your sheet below in fact uses measure and ratio together. We haven't done any ratio this year but use the knowledge you already know to solve the problem.
First though as a little starter activity on my maths an activity entitled converting measure for you to complete.
Mr Bottomley's Maths
After a tricky couple of days multiplying and dividing fractions, hopefully something a bit easier for you to have a go at. Today and Monday we will be looking at finding fractions of amounts. If you have moved on to fractions in Mrs P's 55 Club, then you will be an expert in this already!
Finding half of 32 is easy when you know the method. To find the fractions of a number we need to divide the amount by the denominator and then multiply by the numerator. So for finding
_ of 32 We would divide by 2. 32 divided by 2 = 16. Then we multiply our answer by
2 the top number so 16 x 1 = 16.
The video here will go through a few more examples. Have a go at the sheet below.
Today's lesson concentrates on points you can gather to make your argument. To persuade people using our persuasive techniques (flattery, presumption and veiled threats) we need to have a point to get behind. Today's video, found here, looks at: how do we make a point, how can we back it up and why is it important to the person reading it?
The lesson gets you to generate reasons to persuade why school uniform is an important thing for children to wear. However, you might disagree with this, and think non-school uniform is the way forward for all children all the time. If you do, after watching the video and completing the tasks as it has said, why not come up with some counter-reasons for why non-school uniform is what we should all be wearing everyday! Make sure you think about who you would be persuading with this. Mrs Wedlake isn't going to be persuaded if you say we shouldn't wear school uniform because you don't think it looks nice - focus more on why it is important to your learning.
Friday this half term is going to be art - we are looking at a series of different artists and how their techniques produce an array of different artistic styles.
Today we are going to do our cold task; using only a piece of paper and a pencil, use your pencil to shade and sketch an item your house. We are using an ordinary item (not too complicated) to concentrate on the shading and shape. We are choosing between pine cones, leaves (we collected some off the field) and some fruit, to keep our object simple, so we can concentrate on shape. Really spend some time and look at your item, we are looking for detail and accuracy. We will spend up to 45 minutes drawing our one item.
For a bit of Friday fun after you've finished your maths, English and art, here is a link for a web site called Draw with Rob, a bit of cartoon work as an extra activity for you to do. Mr Bond loves these - he's had a go at the unicorn and wizard but I am sure you can do better!