Remind yourself of the extract from Bill’s New Frock. Have a go at answering questions 4-6 in your answer booklet.
4. How is Bella the cat’s behaviour towards Bill different to his parents’ behaviour?
5. Explain why Bill says that what he’s experiencing ‘could be a nightmare’ (line 28).
6. How might the children at Bill’s school treat him differently now that he’s a girl?
1. Spelling Shed.
2. Have a go at one of the Speech punctuation sheets. They are like the Maths sheets we do in class, and have a ‘D, E or GD’ in a star in the corner of each question. Be honest, and think about how well you understand using speech. Try the relevant questions.
If you don’t have a printer, you could talk through the questions with a grown-up, or answer them in your learning log.
I have set lots of worksheets this week. Use today to catch up on these, consolidate some of the tricky skills covered or to practise your times tables.
Remember, there are learning clips available on the White Rose Website, that guide you through the concepts.
There are activities on My Maths and TT Rock Stars too.
Author and Artist, Rob Biddulph, has been putting online tutorials showing how to draw different characters from his books. Ask an adult first, then go to his web page using the link below. Choose your favourite character, and have a go at creating your own.
These are my daughter’s attempts, which show you the style of his drawings: