
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Welcome to Willow Class

We are Year 5 pupils.  

The teachers in our class are Mrs Atkins, Mrs Cerullo and Mr Bottomley.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Gear and Mrs Pearson and we have PE with Mrs Mitchell on a Tuesday afternoon.  We also go swimming on a Friday.

Friday 13th April 2018.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we spent the mornings outside in our Forest School area. We made bows and arrows, Mandalas and shelters which were then judged by Mrs Wedlake!

Many thanks to the TSF who provided us with the resources to do these activities.

World Book Day.

Still image for this video

Ancient Greek Day.m4v

Still image for this video
On Thursday 18th January Willow Class dressed up and became ancient greeks for the day. The children had great fun creating and tasting greek food and creating their own mythical creatures out of clay. They also took part in an Olympic game and imagined themselves  as Archimedes carrying out a water experiment.

The clay and food activities were very popular and the children have requested that I provide links to both.

We used Kabi air-dry clay and the recipe for tzatziki can be found on the BBC Good Food website.

National Curriculum coverage in Year 5

Summer Term Spellings 2018.

Each term we provide a Curriculum Overview to share with parents the topics and subjects we will be covering in Class

Meet the Teacher Year 5 information evening presentation

Editing partners in action!

Art - Ancient Greek pottery

Following instructions wow English starter linked in with the science of irreversible changes....

Nets of 3D shapes... How many different Nets could we come up with?

Year 5 Robotics day: A mission to Mars challenge
